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Medical Evidence – proceed with caution?

When you have an employee absent on sick leave it can be important to gain an understanding of the employee’s medical condition so that any decisions taken are in light of all the facts. A medical report can be sought from an employee’s GP but often it is more...

Family Mediation Week

It’s time to choose a better way: Consilia Mediation supports Family Mediation Week 2016  Every year, thousands of families are torn apart by bitter court battles. Relationships between separating parents are irretrievably broken, and all too often their...

Reframing the “D” word

  Separation /Divorce is a difficult time. Everyone has an opinion. Everyone has a view. You may feel stuck in a tunnel and really quite bleak. Where children are involved however it is vitally important that you stress to them the positives of the situation and...

Your options and focusing upon your children

  Recently separated? Struggling with next steps? Whatever the reasons for the breakdown of your relationship/marriage it is undoubtedly a huge life change. You may feel bitterness, resentment, guilt, upset, relief, or a combination of these emotions and more. It is...

Family Dispute Resolution Week #childrenfirst

Family Dispute Resolution Week is Resolution’s biggest public-facing campaign of the year. This year’s campaign is focused on putting children first during divorce and separation.  As part of Resolution’s mission to ensure children’s voices are...