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Hybrid Mediation Service

Offices in Leeds, Harrogate and London. Working with clients across the UK and overseas.

At Consilia Mediation, our highly experienced and accredited family mediators offer hybrid mediation for separated families.

Hybrid mediation is a model of mediation which enables the mediator to have separate private meetings with the parties in order to assist them in progressing their negotiations and ultimately achieving mutually agreeable outcomes.

How Does Hybrid Mediation Differ From Traditional Family Mediation?

The main difference between hybrid mediation and traditional family mediation is that the mediator is able to have separate confidential meetings with each participant. These meetings are a safe space to discuss matters privately with the mediator and agree on what to feedback to the other party in order to progress the discussions in mediation.

The mediator can invite the parties’ lawyers to be part of the mediation process to advise and support their clients, particularly in complex cases.

The mediator can also bring other family professionals and experts into the hybrid mediation process to help deal with the complexities of the case including accountants, IFAs, pension actuarial advisers and independent social workers.

What Are The Advantages Of Hybrid Mediation?

Hybrid mediation can be particularly effective in high conflict cases where parties feel unable to communicate their proposals directly in front of the other party, including where there are safeguarding concerns.

It enables each party to explore options in more depth with the mediator without feeling like they are overcommitting or making too many concessions too early in the process.

It enables participants to receive the appropriate expert advice and assistance throughout the process so they can make informed decisions which will aid the parties in moving towards a workable settlement in the mediation.

Where parties feel they want the support of their lawyers in mediation, they have the comfort of having them by their side during the process and have the ability to seek their advice during the sessions themselves which can help move beyond impasse.

Hybrid mediation allows for flexibility and creativity within mediation to give participants the best possible chance of securing a resolution and avoiding mediation breaking down unsuccessfully.

What Cases Are Suitable For Hybrid Mediation?

Hybrid mediation can be adopted to help separated families in both children and finance cases. This can include issues relating to where children live, how much time they spend with each parent or specific issues such as schooling. In finance cases, the issues may involve property division, maintenance and/or pension claims.

Hybrid mediation particularly lends itself to complex finance cases where expert advice and support will benefit the parties during the process.

It is can be beneficial in high conflict cases or where there are issues of power imbalances which can be addressed through separate private meetings as opposed to joint meetings with the parties.

Hybrid mediation can also be used for mediating with non-married couples who may have a property dispute (TOLATA cases).

How To Start The Process?

You can refer yourself or your client to us for hybrid mediation by completing our mediation referral form and specifying that you would like the mediator to assess the suitability of hybrid mediation. The mediator would then discuss this with you further in your initial mediation individual assessment meeting and collectively decide which mediation model is best for your situation.

If hybrid mediation is assessed as suitable, both parties will be asked to sign the agreement to mediate and the mediator will discuss with you both the agenda, format and timescales for the meetings including the involvement of your lawyers if appropriate. The mediator will also meet with the lawyers separately before they engage in the process to consider the key issues to be resolved in the mediation and what their role will be within the process.

How Many Sessions Will We Need?

No case is the same, however on average hybrid mediations usually involve 3 to 5 sessions which last 1 to 2 hours although it is possible to arrange longer sessions if beneficial and with the consent of all parties.

Who Will Be Our Mediator?

Head of our mediation team, Laura Clapton is an accredited mediator and trained in hybrid mediation. Learn more about Laura on her bio.

How Much Will It Cost?

All our mediation sessions are conducted on a fixed fee basis. Where preparation time is needed between sessions, our mediator will provide you with an estimate of the work involved at the outset of your mediation. For more information about our fees, see the fees section of our website.

If you would like to know more about hybrid mediation or make a referral please feel free to contact us on 0113 322 9222 or or complete our mediation referral form.

Laura Clapton

Laura Clapton
Family Solicitor & Family Mediator

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