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The bigger picture: dismissals via Zoom

The bigger picture: dismissals via Zoom

Brief facts There has been some criticism around a boss of a US firm who fired around 900 of his staff on a single zoom call. Vishal Garg delivered the news to his colleagues that the firm were making redundancies due to the market, efficiency and performances and...
To strike out or not to strike out?

To strike out or not to strike out?

To strike out or not to strike out?   Brief facts – Case of A v B The Claimant (doctor for NHS Trust) brought claims arising from her dismissal: unfair dismissal, sex, and religious discrimination. Whilst in employment with the Respondent, the Claimant was in an...
Unfair Dismissal

Unfair Dismissal

Unfair Dismissal Q & A’s How long do I need to have worked to be able to claim unfair dismissal? You need to have worked at your current employer for 103 weeks consecutive weeks (one week under 2 years’ service) in order to be able to bring a straightforward...