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Mediation Week Conversations about Children

Mediation Week Conversations about Children

Day 3 – Conversations about Children As part of Family Mediation Week, Day 3 is raising awareness of the benefits of having a child’s voice heard within the mediation process. The aim of this is for parents to better understand and take into account their child’s...
New Guidelines to give children a voice!

New Guidelines to give children a voice!

Family Mediation Week is in full swing and during this week, family mediation services across the Country will campaign to promote family mediation and the benefits it has in assisting separated families to resolve family law disputes outside of the court process. One...
Is your client emotionally ready to attend mediation?

Is your client emotionally ready to attend mediation?

Recently the University of Exeter law School started a project aimed to provide evidence about the usage, experience and outcomes of Alternative Dispute Resolution methods. This includes Solicitor negotiations, Mediation and Collaborative Law. The Creating Paths to...