Feb 14, 2025 | Zara's Blog
The majority of family solicitors in England and Wales abide by the Resolution code of practice. This year Resolution is asking its members to honour the code by ensuring it is central to their practice as family solicitors. So what is the code? The Resolution code...
Dec 27, 2024 | Zara's Blog
We often receive enquiries from client’s requesting an answer to a specific question being: ‘what are my rights if my spouse refuses to comply with court orders?’ The court has the power to enforce an order made whether that’s relating to financial matters or children...
Sep 16, 2020 | Employment Law, Zara's Blog
Redundancy and Notice Pay – The Arcadia Group ‘U-turn’ https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2020/814/pdfs/uksi_20200814_en.pdf For those who will unfortunately have to make redundancies in the face of the impact of Covid-19 the government brought into force on 31 July...
Sep 16, 2020 | Employment Law, Zara's Blog
Settlement Agreements – 7 Steps to Success 1. ‘Without Prejudice’ vs ‘Protected’ conversations To get the ball rolling on offering a settlement agreement to an employee that you have decided you would like to bring their employment to an end, you will want to have an...
May 29, 2019 | Family Law, Zara's Blog
Financial Disclosure in Divorce: What is this? When sorting out the finances of the marriage on divorce, before a solicitor is able to proceed with negotiations and offer advice on an appropriate financial settlement, “full, frank and clear” financial disclosure is...
Sep 14, 2018 | Zara's Blog
Going back to school or even starting school for the very first time can be a tough and stressful time not only for the children but also for the parents. When you add a separation into the mix, the potential for stress and anxiety is heightened. For parents, this can...