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Wyatt v Vince [2015] Landmark Supreme Court Decision

Kathleen Wyatt has been granted permission by the Supreme Court to make a financial claim against her former husband Dale Vince, who founded and runs the green energy company Ecotricity, over 30 years after the couple separated. Why is it Landmark? The case has...

Recipe For Success

Ingredients 4 Ladies from Yorkshire – Cookridge, Dewsbury, Barnsley and Morley 4 cups of determination and self-belief Dash of Faith A multitude of third party kindness and understanding A full cup of friendship 4 spoonfuls of hope 1 whole barrel of laughter and...

Breaking New Ground

“Consilia Legal is straight talking, practical and open to new ideas. Leeds & Yorkshire Lawyer talks to a niche firm that wants to offer a cutting edge service witha human touch. Why do established solicitors set up on their own? To make more money, make...

New Compensation Limits

Compensation Limits and minimum awards that apply to a range of employment claims will increase on 6 April 2015. Among other things, the limit on compensation for unfair dismissal will increase from £76,574 to £78,335 and the limit on a week’s pay (which is...