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A MIAM is a mediation information and assessment meeting. Both parties will have individual meetings with the mediator.  This provides an opportunity for them to explain their current situation and allows them to express what they are hoping to achieve through the mediation process.  The mediator can discuss options with the parties on children and /or financial matters so they can make decisions about what is best for them and their family.

Some parties may have experienced domestic abuse within a relationship.  The mediator will use the MIAM to ask detailed questions about the history which will then allow the mediator to determine whether mediation is safe and suitable for the parties.  The mediator will also discuss alternatives with the parties such as shuttle mediation or carrying out mediation online whilst they are in their own home. Mediation does not necessarily mean the parties have to meet in person or see one another online.

Providing the mediator deems that mediation is suitable discussions can take places about how, when and where the sessions will be held to ensure everyone feels safe at a convenient time for them.

You can find the a link to our mediation processes here on our specialist mediation website if you want to know more about our mediation service.