Aug 18, 2021 | Family Law
According to the PDSA figures released in February 2020, 51% of UK adults own a pet. A BBC report dated 12/03/2021 stated that a total of 3.2 million households in the UK had acquired a pet since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. The report went on to quote “the...
Jan 6, 2020 | Sarah's Blog
Open a newspaper in January and you’ll no doubt see a lot of articles about divorce with the use of punchy headlines such as “Divorce Day”, “D-Day” and “January Divorce Spike”. The media predictably quote that more instructions are given for divorce on...
May 14, 2019 | Family Law, Sarah's Blog
At Consilia legal both myself and our family law director Laura Clapton pride ourselves on being experts in family law matters and between us both we have a wealth of experience dealing with complex, high net worth matters. Often with high net worth matters,...
May 9, 2019 | Family Law, Laura's Blog
When an individual is involved in any type of family law proceedings including divorce, they need to have the mental capacity to be able to participate within the proceedings and if legally represented they need to give their solicitor clear instructions on how they...