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Directors duties under the Companies Act 2006

Directors duties under the Companies Act 2006

  Directors duties under the Companies Act 2006   What are they? General statutory duties owed by directors, in their capacity as director under Chapter 2, Part 10 of the Companies Act 2006 (“CA 2006”). These are: To act within their powers conferred on them...
Pre-nuptial agreements: protecting your future

Pre-nuptial agreements: protecting your future

Most people have heard of the term “pre-nup” but more often than not it is associated with significant wealth or celebrities. However, the purpose of a pre-nuptial agreement is to provide you with protection of your assets in the event that your marriage ends....

Workplace mediation – Has it really got legs?

Workplace Mediation – Has it really got legs? So, most of you know that in recent times I qualified as a workplace mediator. I am of course also a qualified lawyer. When I undertook the course in London I was the only privately paying person on it. My cohort were...
How do we sort our finances on divorce?

How do we sort our finances on divorce?

How do we sort our finance on divorce? Separating from your husband or wife is inevitably a daunting prospect. There are a number of uncertainties when looking to the future both in relation to you finances and also where children are concerned who they will live with...
Family Mediation Week – Dealing With Your Finances

Family Mediation Week – Dealing With Your Finances

Mediation Week – Dealing with your Finances If you have financial issues to resolve following the breakdown of your relationship, mediation can help you to reach a resolution cost effectively and much more quickly than via the Court process which is financially and...